Thursday 19 October 2017

Improving Communication Can Lead to Greater Success and Effectiveness

Communication is the one way that human beings can give expression to their thoughts, their desires, and their feelings. In many ways, we first communicate with ourselves, before we get in touch with others.

The object of any communication has to be to see that our point of view or feelings is understood by others. For this, it is essential that we first understand clearly what we want to convey, and are completely convinced by it. Verbal communication is just as important as non-verbal communication which can come from body language, gestures, which are often just as expressive, and can at times give a lie to that which is said verbally.

Communication becomes more effective if it has a positive purpose and is respectful to the person or audience that is being addressed. You can work miracles if you are skillful in communicating. For this, it is necessary that whatever you say must be said with confidence and presented in language that is simple, easy to understand, and yet brief enough to hold attention. If you can present your views successfully, you are in a position to change the views and actions of others.
Proper communication can reduce conflict whether it is in the family social, workplace or other circles. It can be that much more effective if you understand the diversity in culture, experience and social mores of the people you are communicating with. Every communication needs to have a definite purpose. This can be a simple thing like passing on information that others can act on or respond to, or it

Modern-day communicating methods have led to things like short messages, emails, blogs, and others. Even here clarity and brevity can go a long way in making a communication effective. All these principles of simplicity, clarity, and brevity are important when while making written reports that serve as communication to a wider range of people. It can lead to your views not being misunderstood. when you are taking part in meetings keep to the point being discussed, as if you wander from the subject you are likely to lose the interest of your audience.

Successful people are always effective and efficient communicators and the object of their communication is to teach, entertain and encourage others. Verbal communication can allow for immediate feedback in the form of facial expressions and body language. But in the case of written communication, it is often necessary to wait for a response. 

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