Sunday 15 October 2017

Clarity Leads to Effective Communication

For any communication to be effective, it needs to be precise, specific and unambiguous. Before you express your thoughts or ideas, you need to be clear in your mind about the words you are going to use, and the meaning they convey.

It is important that the definition and meaning of the words that you use be those in universal usage, as this can then lead to the message being easily understood by the others to whom a communication, written or verbal, is addressed. Ambiguity arises in communication when the words or phrases have more than one meaning, and you will do well to avoid their use when you are seeking clarity in communication.


When you are clear in your mind about what you wish to communicate, it can also help you to be known as a person who has a balanced view of things. Words used are more effective if they are appropriate and simple. This fact is equally important in whether you are communicating socially, officially or even expressing political views. A person who is ambiguous in what he says is a person who is also likely to be a person who avoids responsibilities and takes advantage of the lack of clarity in communication.

Clarity has to maintain a proper balance between familiar words and those that convey the required meaning with greater precision. All words in any communication must be linked with an idea that is required to be communicated. Communication becomes all the more effective when i is coherent, focused and has a central idea that you want to convey. It is this precision which makes a communication effective. It is also important that the communication be timely and within the context of any discussion or argument that is in progress.

Practice the use of simple words that are universally understood, as the use of long and rare words an do nothing more than exhibit your knowledge of the language, though they could be more easily misunderstood by people not familiar with them.

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