Saturday 7 October 2017

Dealing With An Upset Customer or Irate Callers

As professionals, it is important that we remain calm and collected in our dealings with others so that we are more effective in communicating any message that we need to pass on. When a caller is angry with you for whatever reason, it is necessary that you find ways to convert this anger into acceptance. Your ability to understand the concerns of the opposite party and listening to their grievances can lead to greater understanding of the problem that has caused them to be upset.

You have to start with attempting to understand what the has caused the callers concerns. Often, it is something as simple as a fear that the problem they have will not be attended to. This feeling quite often comes after a caller with a complaint is shifted to another person, and the caller then becomes afraid of being passed over or ignored.

To allay this fear the greatest tool is to listen to what is being said and not just hearing the words being used. You need to create an empathy with the callers, understand their anger, their nervousness and their hesitation to accept what is being told to them. You must learn not to interrupt and mentally file away any rebuttals or reasons you may have for use later after the caller has fully vented his or her feelings. You must at the same time give the caller affirmations that you are being attentive. Once you have given the complainant a patient hearing you can then ask questions about what the person expects and discuss dispassionately o these are acceptable. Do not accept profanity, and remind the caller that you expect the same courtesies from him or her, as you are extending.

Now is a good time to mirror exactly what the person has said, the expectations, what you think can be done, and the time frame for any action. Summarize the problem and its solutions. If you do need to refer the caller to someone else more competent to handle the problem, ask for the permission of the caller to do so, while explaining in detail, why you need to do this.

The proper attitude, understanding the fears of the caller, hearing the caller out patiently, summarizing the entire problem and likely solutions and steering the customer to the right department can ensure that you will have a satisfied customer, who will elect to stay with you  

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