Monday 4 November 2019

Binaural Beats - Can they Help In Meditation

It was proposed that a binaural beat occurs in the brain if you apply slightly different frequency sine waves independently but simultaneously to each ear. This beat effect is created by the brain itself and is largely due to the structure of the brain’s internal wiring.
These binaural beats are auditory brainstem responses, originating in the the superior olivary nucleus of each hemisphere of the brain due to the interaction between the two different impulses.

The frequency of the two tones is between one and 30 Hz. Let us take the example that the difference between the two tones is 10 Hz. This 10 Hz difference is experienced within the superior olivary nuclei as a beat. The brain has a tendency, through the frequency following response, to resonate at the same frequency as the auditory stimuli being presented. In our example, this would be 10 Hz, which is the frequency of the Alpha state. If we offer a binaural frequency of 5 Hz, the brain will begin to resonate with that and produce Theta brainwaves. If we present a binaural beat of 3 Hz, Delta brainwaves are detected. Alpha, Theta and Delta brainwaves are connected to altered states of consciousness that can be used to reprogram the subconscious mind, eliminate negative thought schemas and release the emotional connection to memories.

In layman's terms, all that this means is that you can relax, put on some stereo headphones and let your mind synchronize with the binaural beat frequency to create real measurable changes in your mind and body.

There are immediate benefits of using these beats such as the creation of relaxed states, aided sleep or even energy boosts. However, this is not the limit of binaural beat technology. It is also possible to produce very unusual states of consciousness like lucid dreaming, creativity, out-of-body experiences, and transcendental meditation, to name but a few. However, there are also very real permanent benefits of using binaural beat technology. This technology has been used to create some very dramatic life changes.
These technologies can be expensive but the overall benefits of there use are immeasurable. However, there are cheap alternatives to both the above mentioned. Binaural beats in audio technology now come in affordable one CD sets. These can be used to instantly create a variety of different states such as sleep, meditation, creativity, lucid dreaming, etc. You can also get your hands on software to create your own binaural beats but I believe, when dealing with brain entrainment, this should be left to those with more experience. The technology is fascinating and it works but you really won't know that until you try it yourself.

Friday 19 April 2019

Be Comfortable With Small Talk

There are some really good things to remember about small talk. First of all: it is necessary. Second, many people do not like it, so is it worth getting comfortable with it. And third, it really does not matter what you talk about, it just has to remain small.
The small talk part of the conversation is really just to warm each other up. It is an opportunity to feel the persons mood out, their status, or your compatibility. You get a feel for a person and that is what small talk is mostly about. You start thinking are they all about themselves? Or, do they care about you, the listener.
Different types of small talkers
1. The conversation hog who eats up all the time chatting about him or herself.
2. The interrogator who drills others but never volunteers any information about themselves.
3. The "Let us pretend I am not even here person" who fades into the background and lets everyone else do the talking
4. And, the warm, delightful conversationalist who just does not have the confidence in himself.
The last type is often the bulk of people. And its something so important to know: That nearly everyone feels uncomfortable even if they look comfortable.
Social situations are nerve-wracking for many people so the most important thing is that you take control of the situation and be the one who looks comfortable.
Your job is to make others comfortable. Pretend its a party that you are giving, and you are the host. So your job is to find out about others and make them glad they came to your party.
Start by asking people questions about the obvious. What is obvious at that minute? How about . so how do you know our host? Or, have you taken these classes before? If you are at a networking event, you could state the obvious, so you work in Human Resources? How long have you been at your present company?
It really does not matter what you ask them. But, make sure if you lead in with a comment about the weather or something that you follow up with a question that they can answer.
Remember: WWWHW Who, What, Where, When, How, and lastly Why? (Asking WHY questions can sound like you might be challenging the person so its best to avoid if at all possible.)
Next, an easy formula to remember is FORM: Family, Occupation, Recreation, and Message. ( aka; their passion). You can ask about any of these things and people will light up because they are now talking about themselves.. their favorite topic!!!
Lastly, small talk is SMALL. Many people go off on tangents and start talking about something more in-depth than they should in a small talk environment. This is the time for BULLET POINTS.. not the whole story. For instance, if someone asks HOW you injured your leg, just give them the brief story, I hurt it in kickboxing; rather than a long winded story that will bore everyone to tears!
Conversation starters are really easy if you focus on getting to know the other person. If you focus on engaging them and making THEM feel comfortable, rather than worry about how you are appearing, you are bound to make a new contact, a new friend, and hopefully, have a good time in the process!

Thursday 11 April 2019

Office Communication: Tips to Stay Connected

Want your office to run as smoothly as possible? The first step involves improving communication.
There’s nothing more stressful than a lack of communication in an office setting. When co-workers don’t work together as a team, problems and misunderstandings – big and small – can arise, causing unnecessary dilemmas and even rifts.
The following tips will help managers improve office communication:
* Hold regular meetings. Whether they’re held weekly or daily, meetings are a great way to find out what’s going on around the office and learn about what assignments or events are to come. This also is a good time to talk about what goals need to be set for the office.
* Utilize technology. Though e-mailing, interoffice calling and paging are effective ways of keeping in touch with co-workers, new technology is taking communication to a new level.
One such technology is the Immediate Response Information System, also called IRIS. Developed by TechRadium Inc., IRIS is an innovative alert system that sends routine, priority and emergency messages to building occupants, building managers and, if necessary, emergency responders. These voice and text alerts are sent through a variety of frequently used electronic devices: home and cell phones, e-mail accounts, pagers, PDAs and fax machines. IRIS is an affordable communication system because it requires no hardware, software or system installation for setup.
* Use your listening skills. Pay attention so that you do not miss out on important information that you may need to know or discuss with a co-worker or client in the future.
* Spread the word. When you have sensitive or important matters to discuss, don’t hide behind e-mails because the message can be misconstrued. To make sure you get your point across, meet with each party that’s involved or contact them by phone.

Friday 5 April 2019

Keeping in Touch with People through Prepaid Call Cards

In today's fast-paced world of technology and communications, prepaid telephone calls are a trendy method of contacting friends and family from almost everywhere, and it also allows the caller to control spending and not get tied up into paying standard fees or regular rates with standard telephone service providers.
Most telecom companies now provide prepaid call card service, which they usually sell advance. When a customer purchases a prepaid phone call card, one is paying for long distance connection time in advance. When a customer makes calls using the phone card, the card’s value is deducted based on connection fees, duration of connection or calls made, surcharges, and any or whatever maintenance surcharges are associated with the call card.
Prepaid phone calls are generally implemented in a telephone operators network using a method called intelligent network functionality. The competitive rates these providers offer are usually made possible by spending lesser cost routing and lower overheads than the established telephone operators.
Friends or family worldwide now find it convenient to establish connections and maintain friendships through the advent of prepaid phone call cards. These cards, commonly known as phone cards in the US and the United Kingdom, are readily available almost from every newsstand, convenience store or drugstore. They are now admittedly the cheapest means of making long-distance and international calls, and what is more important is that they offer complete anonymity to the one using it.
Prepaid phone call cards sold by retailers are considered active once they are purchased. A call card generally has a web site that offers prepaid PINs for calling, which denotes that there is no physical phone card. There are also call cards that have toll-free operators, that offer added services to customers or patrons who hold accounts with them and have already paid money in advance for the service.
This service is typically accessed by the user when he/she dials a toll-free number from any telephone, much like a 1-800 number. The customer then authenticates himself with the operator by entering a PIN number. Most of the time, these operators have toll free numbers all over the world, ensuring that a customer can access the service even when he is in another country.
Prepaid call cards are also offered by the majority of mobile phone providers around the world. Typically all the standard mobile call card services are readily available to prepaid users, however, a user would need to top up, or load their balance in advance before they can be used. Loading up on an overseas call card could be done via a variety of mechanisms- either thru vouchers, swipe cards, debit and credit cards.

Whenever one needs to avail of a prepaid call card service, the customer should keep these in mind, to enable him or her to find the best-prepaid call service which would truly suit his requirements for overseas or local calls. A person should know if he/she would be making calls mostly overseas?; Whether he/she would be calling to the US from overseas frequently?; Would the customer need internet access to come along with the prepaid call card service?, or Whether he/she is calling mostly just within the US and Canada. For travellers to the US and Canada, it is advisable to get the services of a call card, since most prepaid call cards in the US offer better and cheaper rates, and there are a wide array of services available in all US cities or towns.

Friday 29 March 2019

Proxy Sites Can Enable Efficiency In Computer Operations

Proxy sites enable the individual to access websites and servers through another server to keep the location and identity of the individual unknown. This helps to limit the amount of spam, cookies, and other information from being gleaned or placed on the computer. This, in turn, helps to keep the computer running fast and efficiently.
Cookies and other computer identification software that is placed on the computer by websites can drastically slow down the computer. These cookies and other identification software help to identify a computer upon reentry into the website so that items that the website thinks you want will be available. The computer can also catch a virus from such software because of the software ability to be corrupted or otherwise altered. This is one of the major reasons that people use proxy sites.
In addition to the protection from cookies, proxy sites stop the gleaning of information from the computer through the website. This gleaning is often just information regarding what other websites that one is viewing, but can be much more invasive. The possibility of hackers and other individuals who might be using the gleaned information to steal one's identity or bank accounts is greatly reduced by using a proxy site.
These proxy sites can either be true internet sites that assist one in viewing additional websites while keeping the computer safe, or they can be servers that protect the computer. Proxy sites that are true websites tend to provide secured lines of communication between the website and the computer. This helps to defray any lost or gleaned information from the computer and limits the cookies that may be placed on the computer.
Servers that are used as proxy sites are often in addition to the server that allows for the computer to access a website. This server acts a surrogate computer and takes all of the cookies, spyware, and other computer harming components for it to be trashed and destroyed before damage can be done. This server could be part of the computer itself, or it could be part of the ISP server units. Either way, proxy sites can be extremely useful and helpful for all those who use them.

Friday 22 March 2019

Choosing the Right Ring Tone On Your Cell Phone

Ringtones have become one of the modern life's necessary evils, something that we accept the value of while secretly cursing forever. No matter where you go during the course of your busy day, a cell phone is waiting to ring, warning its owner of an incoming call with one or another of those grating tunes that you are simply sick of hearing. Have they coined the term ringtone stress yet?

They really should have. In times that perhaps seem more idealistic to us now, telephones were limited to offices and homes, personal or corporate spaces you entered prepared for the possibility of the variety of human engagement that occurs over telephone wires. But these days, the mobility of cell phones means that they invade almost every aspect of our lives, and they are no respecter of our boundaries. They ring no matter where we are, whether it is on the bus or in the bathroom, demanding to be answered.
But for many people, it is not the constant availability that upsets. Rather, its the actual ringtone that grates upon the nerves. This is most particularly true when the ringtone belongs to someone else, and especially when that someone cannot seem to find his or her phone or does not appear inclined to answer it. Commuting has been known to increase stress levels enormously, and it is not just because of traffic anymore. Sometimes you think that if you have to listen to that annoying tune one second longer, you will most certainly crack. Or maybe you'll crack the damned phone.

Perhaps the most irritating ringtone is the undecided one. This is where the user of the phone handset can't seem to decide which ringtone it is they prefer and decide to work it out in public. If a single ringtone has the power to raise blood pressure, just think what ten played in quick succession can do for your health. The undecided ringtone user should be placed on the list of healths greatest foes. It must be worse for you than saturated fat.


But really, we'd be lost without our ringtones, and if a little irritability is a price we have to pay to have a range of tunes with which to identify our calls, then so be it. Without our ringtones, millions of calls could go unanswered every day, and who knows what we'd miss then? Just remember, it might be your favorite tune, but it is not necessarily everyone else's. Use your ringtone responsibly and help society stay as stress-free as possible!

Friday 15 March 2019

Story Telling Can Lead to Better Presentation

Each and every day as we are building our businesses, we all know the key to a successful presentation is a product being sold to the end-line consumer and/or sponsoring a new person. In the sales process, you are fighting many different types of animals. For most people who are in direct sales, you have 45 minutes to present a product/business concept and make a person believe in you, your product, and more importantly, have them make a decision that they want what you are offering.
When you are presenting the business, it is very easy for you to get very factual and completely lose the interest of your prospect. When you tell a story about the success of someone who is using the product or have a person give a live testimonial about how much they love being a distributor, you will keep the interest of new people who are listening for the first time.
For most of us, the first time in our lives that we were ever presented with the concept of a live audience was back in kindergarten when we played “show and tell”. Everyone was always interested in what you were saying because you were simply telling a story. We have all heard of the famous K.I.S.S. rule: Keep It Simple Stupid. When presenting your business or product, the key play is to tell a story and keep it simple. Everyone can relate to the grandmother, who can talk about their grandchild as the most beautiful, precious child in the world. She will make you feel as if her grandchild would be such a gift to own as your own. You need to take that same simplicity and utilize it during your presentation and create the same result – ownership of your product.

As you tell stories, people will remember those stories versus all the facts in the world. “FACTS TELL, BUT STORIES SELL.” They should want to get involved in your business or purchase your product because of all of the success stories that you told. People love to be part of a winning team. Storytelling keeps people tied into you and your presentation. When in doubt during a presentation, tell a story in order to bring people’s attention back to you. 
Combining the key strategy of storytelling along with the correct mindset, you can achieve your wildest dreams!