Thursday 15 December 2011

I am a retired civil engineer. I retired after 40 years of service in various organizations in India and the Middle East. My skills have mainly been in Project management, and I have worked at various levels, including the topmost. This has left me with a very vast array of skills, in man management, engineering, administration, and finance. Extensive writing is done for the past few years as can be seen from published articles.
I have been a freelance writer for over three years and have written on almost any topic under the sun. My articles have been published on various sites like Ezine articles, Brighthub and Hubpages, while other employers like Content Authority have been allowing me to write for them on a continuing basis. My articles have been commented on and appreciated by readers and employers alike. I am quite used to writing articles for SEO purposes.
I live in Vasai, a small town, 50 kilometers from Mumbai. The family includes my wife, my son, daughter-in-law, a 17-year-old granddaughter. 

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